Photo by Allison Zaucha
SNAPSHOT: Call for Photos of Annapolis
We need you, our Annapolitan neighbors, to submit photos of Annapolis and show us what Annapolis is to you! We’d like you to take a picture of an element of Annapolis that stands out, is a part of your life, brings you joy, makes you feel a part of the community, or simply says, “Yeah, this is home.” You could send in a picture of your favorite coffee shop or hangout, your school or neighborhood, or something iconic . . . It should be a picture of anything in or of Annapolis that expresses your appreciation and excitement for it. EXCEPT: No pictures of the Chesapeake Bay. This is your chance to show us what other amazing attributes this city has to offer.
How to Enter
Submit no more than two photos in JPEG format, 300+ dpi (high resolution) to upstarteditor@gmail.com. Include your name, address, phone number, email address, and a brief description of what you photographed and what it means to you. Selected images will be featured in our next issue, as well as on social media and our website. You need not be a professional photographer. Anyone with a camera can participate!
Deadline: Jan. 31
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