WRITERS RESIST: Annapolis Poetry Reading

In Cool, Inspiration by Andrea Stuart

WRITERS RESIST: ANNAPOLIS is part of WRITERS RESIST (writersresist.org) poetry reading events happening worldwide on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. A selection of poets who are friends of Annapolis poetry …

SNAPSHOT: Call for Photos of Annapolis

In Photography by Andrea Stuart

SNAPSHOT: Call for Photos of Annapolis We need you, our Annapolitan neighbors, to submit photos of Annapolis and show us what Annapolis is to you! We’d like you to take …

Poetry Submissions Wanted

In Inspiration by Andrea Stuart

Call for poetry submissions! Up.St.Art Magazine invites poets inspired by art to contribute to the Fall issue. Poetry Submissions Instructions The theme is Poems Inspired by Art. The inspiration can …

THE NEXTiVAL – Music for the Masses

In Music, News by Jimi Davies

Get your tickets to the Nextival early and save money. This will be a show to remember. Fun for the whole family.  https://www.nextival.com Source: THE NEXTiVAL – Music for the Masses