Power poetry at your fingertips
Poetry is ordinary language raised to the nth power. Poetry is boned with ideas, nerved and blooded with emotions, all held together by the delicate, tough skin of words. –Paul Engle, Poet, Novelist, Playwright
There are myriad definitions of poetry—some include the technicalities of prose; others refer to the origin of the subject matter. Either way, poems become extensions of the human experience: the words inside of each poem hold together the very ideals and ponderings of the writer.
Poet John Keats referred to poetry as being something that isn’t singular. He describes poetry as our highest selves communing with language and spilling out of our fleshy containers. When poetry takes form, each poem exhibits a cadence and tongue unto itself and is representative of its creation.
Many people say that the year 2020 symbolizes a year of clarity and self-reflection. What an auspicious time to invoke our inner poets and put the pen to the page. We invite you to submit your poems on the theme of power. Poems may speak to external or internal power. They may represent the struggle within, a relationship, power as energy or another manifestation, power’s relationship to trust, or a simple recognition of the role power plays in your life. There are no boundaries to the topic.
Poems should be 50 lines or less and submitted in a Word document that also contains your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, and the number of lines of poetry, all typed in the upper left corner of the document. Poem titles should not be included in the line count. Please type your poems in Times New Roman font, size 12, and single-spaced (except when denoting a break in the poem). Please submit your poems by April 1, 2020, to upstarteditor@gmail.com, and the subject line of your email should be Power Poetry Submission. Poets whose poems have been chosen will be contacted by April 30, and the selected poems will appear in the Fall 2020 issue of Up.St.ART Annapolis.
We look forward to reading your work!